Thursday, 22 July 2010

Why my year just got a loads better

My sister is always talking about America and how much she wants to go there when she finished university. Life is really not fair sometimes.

This year, I am going to New York on a trip with my Magazine Journalism course. We're staying in Manhattan, which is perfect for what I wanted to do and see. The main reason we're going is to take a look at possibly one of the best Publishing Houses in the English language. However, I think a few of us are finding it hard not to be excited about christmas shopping there. My sister practically begged for me to take lots of photos and get her a 'I Heart NY' t-shirt.

I've been looking it up, and New York has so many things I want to go and see. Nothing appeals to me more than seeing all the sights. Times Square, Central Park, the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Brooklyn Bridge.. you name it, I want to see it.

I'm not sure if i'll have enough hours in the day to do all this, but I figured that I should do as much as possible, having never been to America before. In fact, the only place out of Europe that I've been to is Africa, and that just wasn't as glamourous. It was a humbling experience, but it didn't have the sights that a good tourist craves.

I didn't think that I would be able to afford this trip, so it came as a nice surprise for me when I realised I could. My boyfriend is totally wonderful and offered to help me pay, but due to my new found fierce independance I won't accept his money lightly, if at all. The best thing is, I thought it would be really expensive, but the whole thing costs in the region of £500, which is far less than I thought it would be.

So, I am in a rather happy place right now. And I can't wait to get all those American gifts for my friends and family.

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