Tuesday, 28 December 2010

New Years has never been so scary...

Arranging things has never really been my forte.

Take parties, for example. The first one I ever had was at my mums house, as a birthday bash. My sister ended up looking after the whole thing. I got so drunk I had to be looked after and didn't bat an eyelid when the kitchen ceiling starting pouring water. Needless to say, my mum didn't let us have a party at hers for a long time afterwards.

The 17th birthday was pretty good. I sorted out a live band who I'd never heard play before (thank god they were good) and had food and drink. However, the food and drink ran out sharpish. The band got tired and we hadn't sorted out any kind of entertainment. The aftermath was at my dads house, where we had previously cleaned an outbuilding ready to sleep in. His then girlfriend had shouted the place down because we had made too much noise (which, by the by, we really weren't making).

So, this year I've decided to host a New Years Eve Party at my rented house for Uni. Last year, the party had bombed. The highlight of everyones night was when my very drunk sister had bashed into the bathroom door so hard that it had come off of it's hinges.

I'm pretty terrified.

The worst part about this is that I started planning it yesterday. It's the 28th today.

Why? Because I wasn't sure my boyfriend could make it, so I had to check with him what he was doing or i'd have to cancel. Being with him at New Years was my highest priority and not even hosting a party was going to stop me. My boyfriend is slow at getting back to me for important matters, as you can tell.

So, the music is yet to be set. But it WILL be 80s, mixed in with a few American hits. But first I actually need to gather them together in a suitable manner. The karaoke (singstar) is already there and ready to go. The food is listed and ready to be gotten, along with decorations. The champagne and the port for the Cheeky V is being brought. The all important outfit is in the wardrobe, thanks to christmas.

The house? Well, it looks like I'll be sorting that out on the day.

Wish me luck! I think I'll need it.